
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am new to the race, so I thought I should share why I am going on the race. I grew up in a local church, called Impact Christian Church. Through all of the youth programs such as Kid Zone, Club 56, and then Youth Group. I would not be the person I am today without my church’s love and support for me throughout my life. I also went to camps and worked at camps every summer for most of my upbringing. This allowed me to develop my own relationship with the Lord, and really pioneer my own faith. Fast forward to now, I am graduating from high school, and I have committed to the World Race: Gap Year.

Leaving in August this year for Guatemala, South Africa, Cambodia, and Thailand. I chose to do the race because I felt called to do so. The World Race is an opportunity for me to use my servant heart for the kingdom of the Lord, and I would want to do nothing more. I will be gone for 9 months in these communities, sharing the gospel and providing to these struggling areas. I have always loved serving and helping others and this is a perfect opportunity for me to do just that. This last fall, I went on a mission trip to Mexico that truly touched my heart and made me have a passion for sharing the gospel across the world. While there, we built a house for a family, and when we asked them what their biggest dream was, they broke down and said the house we were building. This experience made me so happy to be able to provide for others in a way that would change their life. The World Race Activation Route that I am signed up for, is described as, “Partnering with local ministries to build sustainability and give hope to their communities.” Building sustainability and hope really spoke to me, as it sounds like a direct description of the impact I was able to make in Mexico. Getting the opportunity to make this kind of an impact on other families around the world for a full 9 months, would be incredible. To make this a reality I have $15,800 to fundraise so any help that anyone could provide would be immensely appreciated. Thank you so much for considering helping to support my journey. If you would like to know any more about me or see my World Race Journey feel free to reach out.

7 responses to “Why I’m Here”

  1. So proud of you. Daily prayers will continue for you before, during and after your return to us. May God bless you in every way as you continue your journey in adult life.

  2. Enjoy your road trip to meet your travel companions. Prayers for safe travel this adventure.

  3. So proud of you, Derek and what lies ahead of you in God’s service. Be safe and always remember that we love you and wish you the best in your pursuits in life!

  4. I want to keep up with my grandson on this amazing 9 months of sharing Jesus to the world and his growing in the faith.

  5. beautiful, how good is it when we follow His calling? so so excited to serve for 9 months with you!!